Welcome to Amrita Darshan!

Darshans have been given by spiritual masters since time immemorial. Receiving a Darshan from a master like Amrita Baba is a unique opportunity for all seekers. Even a single Darshan can transform one's life.

The word “Darshan” is derived from the Sanskrit word “drish” which can be translated as “seeing”. In this context it means seeing the Divine or a particular form of the Divine, and being in its presence. This can relate to a spiritually charged statue, a consecrated temple, a holy mountain, a holy person, or a divine master.

In the case of Amrita Baba, Darshan is his gift to, and part of his work with people. In Darshan, Baba bestows his light and blessings upon those who come to see him, and in this way shows them their own true nature. In a world of confusion, this is a great gift. Through Darshan, Baba demonstrates to people what is possible for them also to attain.

“There is nothing else to enlightened conduct than to be of service and to help others in all means available. Bodhisattvas fulfill their vows by helping and serving others, in other words, by helping seekers to find and practice the dharma so that they can discover who they are. That's it.”

Master Amrita Baba