Live Darshan

When you come for Darshan to receive the gift of spiritual blessings, come with an open heart and an open mind. If possible, arrive before Darshan begins. Upon arrival at the venue, go first to registration.

When you enter the room where the Darshan is held, join your palms and make a bow at the door. Similarly, join your hands and make a bow when you leave the room.

When Baba enters the room, stand up and welcome him with folded hands. During Darshan, the room might be silent or there might be music playing. You are asked to use your electronic devices outside the Darshan room. The use of cameras or recording devices are not allowed.

Depending on the venue where the event is held, Baba's Darshan is given in two ways: 1. group darshan where the participants are together and meditate with Baba in the same room, and 2. individual darshan where each participant comes to sit on a chair in front of Baba for a moment.

Usually, Darshan events last for a weekend where the first day (Saturday) is reserved for group Darshan and the second day (Sunday) for individual Darshans though this can vary.

Group Darshan

During group Darshans, Baba will be sitting in the front and you are invited to sit with him, with your eyes open or closed. There is nothing you need to do, except just be with him. You don't need to say any prayers and do not need to meditate in some particular way, just be with Baba and you will receive his blessings automatically.

Darshans last for 3 hours or more each day. You don't need to sit for the whole duration of the Darshan. You can take breaks, and come and go freely but it is recommended to be in Baba's presence as much as possible.

Individual Darshan

Individual Darshan is received personally from Baba, by sitting right in front of him on a chair. Volunteers will show you where to join the queue.

When it is your turn to sit in front of Baba, first fold your hands and make a bow. Then sit up and look into Baba's eyes, as he will look into yours. You will spend a moment looking into each other's eyes. This is when the individual Darshan takes place.

When Baba joins his hands and bows to you, join your hands again and bow back. Then stand up and walk back to your place in the room.

After your individual Darshan, it is ideal if you can be silent and close your eyes for at least 10 minutes. Feel and enjoy the Darshan you received.

If there is time, you can ask Baba a question during your individual Darshan. If you don't have a question, just sit silently.

Individual Darshans are not meant for asking questions about Amrita Mandala practice.