Become a Volunteer

Amrita Darshan events depend on the efforts of committed volunteers. Volunteering for a spiritual event like Amrita Darshan, is a form of selfless service (Skt. Seva), in other words, it is a spiritual practice in itself. By offering one’s services, one is essentially enabling seekers to find the timeless cure for existential dissatisfaction; their own true nature.

There are a variety of tasks that volunteers will be responsible for; attending the master, marketing the event, setting up the venue, keeping the venue clean and tidy throughout the event, registering participants, and so on. In short, the volunteers are in charge of making the Amrita Darshan event run smoothly.

If you wish to offer your service to Amrita Darshan and all sentient beings, or if you have any questions regarding volunteering, please contact the Amrita Darshan team.